[Photographic record of Joan Crawford and Zuzu Angel at social event]

Registration number: ZA02.03.09.XX.02.0002
Type of collection:Documental
Registration number:ZA02.03.09.XX.02.0002
Function: Professional life
Title: [Photographic record of Joan Crawford and Zuzu Angel at social event]
Production date:01/12/1967
Local production:Legacy
Description level:Level 5 Documental item
Documental type:Social event photography
Support:Photographic paper
Width: 24,30
Height: 18,00
Producer name/Author:“Jornal do Brasil” Newspaper
Historical archives:
Direct source of acquisition / Legacy of Hildegard Angel’s private archive.
Photographic record of Joan Crawford and Zuzu Angel, at a social event held on a yatch for “business men”, beside three male figures, next to a buffet. Has two stamps on the back of the photopgraph, one which reads “JB” (possibly referring to the Jornal do Brasil Newspaper”) and another of an unidentified agency .
Associated events:

Related items and documents

[Article about social event held with the presence of Joan Crawford, Zuzu Angel and Ana Cristina Angel]

Article from “Jornal do Brasil” (Jornal do Brasil Newspaper), from 05/12/1967, about social event held on a yatch on 01/12/1967, with the presence of Joan Crawford, Zuzu Angel and Ana Cristina Angel.

Zuzu In

The News


Homenagem para Zuzu no Parque Gloria Maria

Alunos da Faetec produzem evento e irão desfilar em homenagem a Zuzu Angel no Parque Glória Maria


Zuzu Angel Institute receives donation of centennial pieces from Fabrica Arp in Friburgo.

The Zuzu Angel Institute received a donation of a book with 26,000 samples of fabrics, embroidery and tulle from the centenary Fabrica de lace Arp in Nova Friburgo.