[Fotografia de Cristina Berlin vestindo peça da International Dateline Collection II]

Registration number: ZA02.03.09.XX.08.0006
Type of collection:Documental
Registration number:ZA02.03.09.XX.08.0006
Function: Professional life
Title: [Fotografia de Cristina Berlin vestindo peça da International Dateline Collection II]
Production date:00/00/1971
Local production:Legacy
Description level:Level 5 Documental item
Documental type:Photography for fashion photo rehearsal
Support:Photographic paper
Width: 20,50
Height: 25,50
Producer name/Author:Valentin
Historical archives:
Fonte imediata de aquisição / Legado do Acervo particular de Hildegard Angel.
Fotografia posada de Cristina Berlin vestindo com vestido de estampas e franja da Coleção International DAtline Collection II de Zuzu Angel. Cristina é filha de RichardE. Berlin - presidente da Hearst Corporations, conglomerado que compreende o Harper's Bazaar, Town and Country, Chicago Timeline e várias empresas de mídias em diversos meios de comunicação. Fotografia apresenta informações descritas acima na parte de trás da foto e também indicação dos Tecido Werner de Petrópolis.
Associated events:

Related items and documents

[Advert for Dona Isabel’s factory, regarding the International Dateline Collection II]

Advert for Dona Isabel’s Factory about all 50 (fifty) pieces of the International Dateline Collection II displayed at The Gotham Hotel from 25/01/1971 and 06/02/1971. Has two photographs of mannequins (models), one from Detroit on the top left corner and another on the bottom right corner.

[Advert for the International Dateline Collection II – Gotham Hotel]

Newspaper cutout of International Dateline Collection II at the Gotham Hotel advert.

Zuzu In

The News


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The Zuzu Angel Institute received a donation of a book with 26,000 samples of fabrics, embroidery and tulle from the centenary Fabrica de lace Arp in Nova Friburgo.