[Drawing of hat for embroidery – 30]

Registration number: ZA02.03.06.03.XX.0057
Type of collection:Documental
Registration number:ZA02.03.06.03.XX.0057
Function: Professional life
Title: [Drawing of hat for embroidery – 30]
Production date:Década de 1970
Local production:Organic production
Description level:Level 5 Documental item
Documental type:Embroidery design
Width: 9,30
Height: 5,50
Producer name/Author:Zuleika Angel Jones
Historical archives:
Immediate source of acquisition / Legacy of Hildegard Angel's private collection.
Drawing of military hat in light green and dark green, with a stripe in yellow . Has a pencil inscription of the number “30” in pencil and pen. Drawing used on “Political protest dress” embroidery.
Associated events:Protest-show for the launch of the International Dateline Collection III, 1971.

Related items and documents

[Drawing of hat for embroidery – 29 – 30]

Two drawings of military hat in green and yellow , identified with the numbers “29” and “30”. Drawing used on “Political protest dress” embroidery.

[Fotografia de Zuzu Angel ajustando vestido do Protesto Politico]

Fotografia de Zuzu Angel ajustando manga do vestido de protesto no Desfile em casa do Consul Brasileiro,Lauro Soutello Alves, no lançamento da coleção International Dateline Collection III – Holiday and Resort.na residência do cônsul do Brasil em Nova York e torna público o caso de Stuart em um desfile-perfomance, com alusões ao momento político brasileiro.A partir deste evento Zuzu começa a começa a vestir luto.

Zuzu In

The News


Homenagem para Zuzu no Parque Gloria Maria

Alunos da Faetec produzem evento e irão desfilar em homenagem a Zuzu Angel no Parque Glória Maria


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