Pure silk muslin sash in black, with tiled silk in circle shapes in jaguar pattern. Made with double-faced fabric.
Tunic made of pure silk muslin in black, with tiled silk in circle shapes in jaguar pattern and a priest collar with a black plastic button and button holes. The piece has a slight frill on the bust, shoulder sleeves, on the wrists and on the back’s peak. The wrists have a shiny plastic button closing and buttonholes. The sleeves have patchless armholes. The hem is rounded with an opening on the sides. The hem’s finishing is made in overlock stitching and the hemline’s seam is hand made.
Regras para acesso ao acervo físico da Casa Zuzu Angel/Museu da Moda
New version of “Angélica”, Chico’s partnership with Miltinho, was made for the album commemorating the group’s 60th anniversary
Alunos da Faetec produzem evento e irão desfilar em homenagem a Zuzu Angel no Parque Glória Maria
The Zuzu Angel Institute received a donation of a book with 26,000 samples of fabrics, embroidery and tulle from the centenary Fabrica de lace Arp in Nova Friburgo.